How to Build...
Tamiya's 1:32 P-51D Mustang


The latest title in the popular ‘How to Build...’ series from
ADH Publishing, publishers of Model Airplane International, Tamiya Model Magazine International, Model Military International and Military Illustrated Modeller

The complete guide to building Tamiya’s amazing 1:32 P-51D written by Brett Green of Hyperscale and Model Military fame.

This new book features an exhaustive step-by-step guide to construction plus two completed models, by Brett, Mark Glidden and a super-detailing feature by Roy Sutherland.

Hundreds of images, reference photos and how to get the very best from your model - a must have before you build the model! Also features lists of after market parts and decals already available for Tamiya’s Mustang...

Price £11.95 + shipping;

UK - £2.00 (£13.95)
Europe - £4.00 (£15.95)
World - £6.00 (£17.95)

UK (£13.95)
Europe (£15.95)
USA/World (£17.95)